Sunday 12 April 2015

Motivational Message | #1

'Seek your own happiness'

Morning, young ones! My university semester is over, and my goodness does it feel nice to be back typing on a blog again. My window is open and I can feel the heat of the sun on my skin; i've got a lovely candle burning; and i'm wearing Birkenstocks: today will be a good day. 

My second year at uni has been really hard, and I have been very unhappy. My journalism training course has pushed me beyond my comfort zone, leaving me lost and confused; I have been unbelievably homesick; I have been struggling to see any sort of future path following my degree; and one of my closest friends left to move to Denmark for a semester. For me, the easiest path appeared to be wallowing in my own self-pitty and be as negative as humanly possible. I left university at any available opportunity, and allowed any sense of self-confidence I had developed during first year to dwindle to non-existence. 

I was sad, confused and, above all, isolated from any sources of happiness I may have found at university. However, this isn't all doom and gloom, as second semester began I decided to actively seek my own happiness and attempt a sense of positivity: 

1. I decided to make the most of my course. Yes, I didn't want to be a hard-core news junkie. But I did adore writing about food, and decided to seek a career path surrounding this. From this, I began to constantly consume food media: and developed an interest as to how food appeared on the page and screen. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and enrolled in a food styling and photography course, and began to find a side of the media industry that I really felt passionate about. From this, I realised that there is always another side to your own unhappiness, and always a path to make it positive.

2. I started to take control of my own happiness, and grab opportunities with both hands. Something which had always frightened me about university life was the notion of societies, and society culture. However, I discovered that not all societies involve scary drinking initiations and wild tour tales. I started Yoga, which I swiftly learned to adore, and began to develop an interest in the conditioning and strength of my own body. And whereas before I used yoga as a substitute for the dance training I used to do so rigorously, I now take the time to consider my own practice: and actively seek to improve the quality of practice. Alongside this, I also took the scary leap to begin dancing again, and started to take a Ballroom and Latin class once a week. And, my God, I can't even begin to explain how good it feels to be dancing again! From this, I learnt that not all opportunities are bad, and sometimes great rewards come from pushing yourself out of that little bubble of comfort and security.

3. I made friends, and chose not to brush aside all social invitations. Whereas in first year, I mainly socialised with my flatmates, this year I made friends on my course: and jolly wonderful friends they are too! For the first time ever, I feel supported and truly happy, and am surrounded by a group of people who bring out the very best in me. From this, i've learned that there is more to socialising than getting drunk at a sticky club, and that there will always be like-minded people who want your company just as much as you want theirs! Surrounding yourself with positive people will always, always make you more happy. 

So that's it, just a few things I have chosen to do recently to make me oh-so happy and take control of my own positivity. This is the beginning of my Motivational Message blog series that I intend to post every Sunday, with a different nugget of happiness each week. 

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